About Kent Bat Group
We've been working to help protect the county's bats and learn more about them since 1983. The Kent Bat Group (KBG) aims to work for the conservation of bats and their habitats in Kent. This work varies from raising awareness of bats through talks to a wide range of audiences, to surveying and monitoring bat populations and to caring for grounded bats.

Our Aims
- To advance the protection and conservation of bats, their roosts, feeding areas and hibernacula in Kent.
- To educate the public in all matters related to bats, including the production of relevant literature.

Since Kent Bat Group’s formation in 1983 we have built up a dataset of more than 30,000 bat records. This vital resource is held at Kent & Medway Biological Records Centre and is consulted by developers, land managers and researchers, amongst others.

Habitat conservation
The KBG networks with other wildlife charities and land managers to conserve roost sites and bat habitats.

The KBG Members Newsletter
We produce a quarterly newsletter for members with up to date news and information.

Bat Care & Rehabilitation
Caring for and rehabilitating sick and injured bats, then, hopefully, returning them to their roosts. There is a dedicated KBG flight cage at Wildwood where recovering bats can be prepared for release.

Educating the public
Our members give talks about bats to schools and groups, and man KBG stand at public events.

National Bat Monitoring Programme
Taking part in BCT's National Bat Monitoring Programme including colony counts, Waterways survey, Monitoring hibernation sites in winter and sunset and sunrise surveys.

Bat roost visitors
Some KBG members are licensed by Natural England as voluntary bat roost visitors to help householders who are concerned about bats in their homes.
They can be contacted through BCT's Helpline
(0345 1300 228)